Hi, greetings from the newly minted parents of 4.
we got our little girl this morning and i can tell you already that she is quite a character.
there were no tears at our meeting (at least on Ellie's part) she was calm and cool. Brian and i sat down on the floor in the room at waited for her to decide we were OK. the sweet nanny kept telling her that we were her mama and baba and she kept looking at us like we were from the planet mars. fortunately she feel prey to our devious plan, bribe her with food. she has pretty much been eating ever since. we had some tears at nap time but we have also been rewarded with big smiles and a giggle that would melt a Grinch's heart.
she came to us wearing four layers of clothing (2 sweaters a long sleeved tee and a heavy coat) it was about 65 outside. the nanny told us that Ellie eats just about everything and so far she has been correct, she hasn't turned down a thing. shes a lovely little girl. she enjoys things being in there place, if something has a lid it has to be on it. Her favorite toy is her staking cups (thanks auntie Amy). i have three full disposable cameras to develop that were taken by the nannies they also brought us some wonderful pics of Ellie and her friends eating the birthday cakes that we sent (can't post those till i get home to the scanner)
Ellie seems very healthy, she has a little cough and some of what i think are bug bites that she enjoys picking at, I have medication that should help that though. All in all i think we are a happy bunch. for a little girl who at our last update wasn't speaking at all she really is very vocal and is probably going to pick up English pretty quickly. I miss my big kids so much i can't believe it. i wish there were here to see all of the strange and wonder full sights. more later
much love to all