Tuesday, December 23
Thursday, December 18
Baking with Ellie
Kyleigh this morning announces that there is a party in her class and she would like me to bring some cookies for the class. I am not quite sure what she thinks that I
do all day but ill spare you for now. suffice to say she was flogged for not letting me know sooner. so being the betty crocker wannabe that i an (insert sarcastic sneer here) i of course got quickly to the task of baking. Ellie and i made peanut butter cookies with peanut butter cups pushed in to them. they are pretty yummy for as ugly as they are but you get what you get and you don't throw a fit. especially when you give mom NO NOTICE AT ALL!!!!
Wednesday, December 10

Just pay a mere $28.12 for 17 and a half gallons of gas?? Dammit i did. that's right $1.59 a gallon now OK given it's cheap as$ gas but still, wow . I did a little Happy dance at the pump. I heard on the news that i had chairman oh wait I mean president (elect) Obam@ to thank for it, I am going to stop paying my mortgage and medical insurance too I'm told that will be taken care of too, and just in time too i was getting tired of raising and caring for my own children . Ugh and that planning for our future thing well that was just exhausting..Oh sorry went off a little there. please excuse me. No cast for Ellie. she couldn't be happier (and so are her siblings who are no longer being beaten to a pulp by her bug yellow club.
Tuesday, December 9
the case of the missing cast...
No not a Nancy Drew book, but Ellie Walsh. so the other morning Ellie is outside talking to grandma and her cast just slips off her hand. UG. she is so happy and i keep telling her that the Doctor may put it right back on. Suffice to say she is very unhappy with me. we'll see what the doctor says this afternoon.
my man's 12 and other stuff.
well Mitchell is 12 and the end of the world didn't come. I was sure it would but it didn't. He survived a birthday cake, a birthday pie and 12 wacks on the fanny from daddy. I can't beleive it's been 12 years since they handed me that beautiful baby that looked like he's been run over by a mack truck. He's turned into an amazing young man, patient, tollerant, loving, i could go on all day. I couldn't have asked for a better son.
Tuesday, December 2
my beautiful girl
A shopping we will go.....
If you order it, it will come. ok so in a quest to save gas and take full advantage of the "free shipping when you spend 8 million dollars" i did the vast majority of my holiday shopping over yee ol'e internet. and what has befallen my livingroom is something of a horror. Today i was visited by the mail man, the fed ex lady and the Ups guy. all of them deleivered enormously oversized packages with oodles of packing peanuts. but i must say it's kind of fun it's driving the kids crazy (ok crazier). oh the fun!!!
Monday, December 1
Candy canes
Thanksgiving 2.0
We had a fun day with the walshes(and Borondas and Eckrotes) on Saturday. it is so much fun to get Connor and Cole together. They are great buds. All of the siblings are healthy and well. Every one seems to be keeping busy with work. All the newlyweds still like each other and the old timers are getting closer to empty homes every day. Ug were getting old. It's great to get together but it does make us all think of Mary and Larry and miss them even more.
Sunday, November 30
Friday, November 28
thanksgiving '08

Brian graciously showed Mitch that if you run your finger quickly through the flame of a candle you wont burn yourself. so i bet you can guess what he did for the rest of the night. (see fourth photo)
The list of things to be grateful for this thanksgiving is too long to list but they are topped by my previous 4 favorite thing and my most handsome husband whom i couldn't love more. Happy Turky day to all. may the triptophan hangover be bearable.
Wednesday, November 26
my favorite things
Raindrops on roses are OK.....and who doesn't love whiskers on kittens but these are most definitely a few of my favorite things.
and this of course if them in there natural state. if they weren't so damn cute when they were sleeping i am most certain that i would not have four of them . I'll have to get some video of Ellie sleeping, she snores like a truck driver on two packs a day. man i love that kid.

Tuesday, May 13
Monday, May 5
Back By Popular Demand............US!!!
Hi there after much ado, we are back. computer repairs are complete and peace reigns (mostly) (somewhat) (a little) (well, every once in a while). we are all well. Ellie has been home for a full year now and she is just doing great. She is a tiny ball of energy. Summer vacation is LOOMING over my head. With the kids home from school all day this should be fun. We have alot of fun plans but still there will be alot of down time to fill. Here are a few pics from our recent adventures.
Here are the boys this morning playing chess.
The gang loaded up for a trip to sacramento to visit the fam (more on that later)
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