Tuesday, December 12
I hope this works. We are huge Harry Potter fans in this house and cant wait untill the new movie comes out. We would really like the book to come out sooner reather then later. i know the Ms Rowling is a ooberzillionare but good lord woman save us from ourselves and publish the book already. your killin us.
Don't want to run into them in a dark alley!!

Friday, November 10
New Ellie Pics!!!!!

The lovely Kate from AGCI surprised me this morning. She got new pics of our girl. These were taken a few weeks ago but they were sent snail mail. Anyway isn't she gorgeous??!! The new photos show just how grown up she is getting. She's loosing her baby chub. God I hope we get her home soon. It feels like she'll be going off to college soon.
i know the photo quality isnt great but beggers cant be choosers. love those winnie the pooh hip hop pants. enjoy love and hugs kathy
Thursday, November 2
Wednesday, November 1

Is Glutiny still one of the seven deadly sins? If it is i think that all of us in our house are probably headed streight to hell. This is the kids haul from last night. this is 4 yes i said 4 GALLON sized ziplock bags FULL, that isn't including the dozen or so bags of chips and corn nuts they got. Ug. We didn't even trick or treat for that long. I love candy more then your average bear. we are sugartarians after all but even for me thats alot of crap. im sure alot of it will end up in brownies or cookies and go to work with brian. All the guys at the site can look foreward to putting on five or twenty pounds, better them then me is all i have to say.

We worked hard on our jack-o-lanterns. We even got a pumpkin for Ellie, hers is the princess on the end. if your curious they are arranged by age with grandma on the end with her great pirate pumpkin.The Kids had a blast picking out there costumes at the halloween store. We call the costumes quirky, Kyleigh is a gaisha, connor is a jedi warrior but he insisted on carrying the Criptonite I'm not sure if the combination creates some sort of superhero continuium rift. who knows what michell is but he looked cool and was very comfortable. We had a ball trick or theating with some of the neighbors. and were home early enough to be in bed by 8:30. wow Happy halloween!!!!!
Sunday, October 29
Ellie's Quilt!

We finally Hung up the ABC quilt that i made for our Ellie. i found these really great quilt hangers on ebay for something like $16. I love this quilt pattern its the second one ive made and i love it. for anyone who is a quilter out there or might be looking yes i know that i put the z where the n goes and vice versa i am calling that "charm".
Thursday, October 26

Thursday, October 19
Our girl has grown!

Well the wonderful ladies of AGCI have come through once again. and we got an update on Ellie. No photos yet, can you tell im dissapointed? but Hopefully one will come soon. We did get new measurements. Our little girl is up to 25 pounds up about 2 pounds since april. She is roughly 35 inches tall. thats up about an inch. she also has 4 more teeth. i know this isnt much info but we grab onto what we can get and hope that our TA comes soon. here's a semi recent pic from a friend who went to get her Bengbu beauty a few monthes ago.Ellie is the tall one the other sweetie is Mira McCalmont, she is hope with her forever family already. thanks so much beth for the photos.
Tuesday, October 17

off to pick up the neglected middle child from school. God Bless-kathy
Sunday, August 20
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