eventually we got down to skin and we discovered the dirtiest little kid. she didn't like the tub at first but over the last month it is now one of her faverite places to be.
when i took the clothes out to take the picture below ellie got very upset, so back they went into the holiday inn bag where they have lived since China.
Our sweaty girl in all her terrified glory
Ellies gotcha clothes
We sent three disposable cameras to the orphanage over the past year and in probably 70% of the pictures Ellie has some variation of these clothes on.
Thanks Donna for the FFFF. This was fun!
Awe... They remember so much! Great post!
Sophia's Website
So glad you joined in on the FFFFing fun! LOL.
Great pics. Thanks for sharing.
My first time posting too! Welcome. I can't believe how many clothes they had on your baby! Wow. Sounds like they wanted you to have ALl her clothing... lol.
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