Well hi there. We are stil alive i promise. Summer was busy but finally the white shoes are put away and into the new rutine we are settling. Thank God Oh and the best part is i have lost 12 pounds Yeah i know but hey its all iv got to brag about.
Well lets see the kids are great. In october it will be six monthes sin
ce Ellie came home, I am both shocked it has only been 6 monthes and can't beleive it hasn't been longer. It seems like she has been a part of this family forever. Shesa adjusting well and advancing well. she does all of the things she is supposed to do as a three year old. including eat cookie dough off of a beater. a true right of passage.

Mitchell is in the fifth grade this year. He has joined the ban
d and is a trumpet player. today he learned to play three notes. we are so proud. He also was eligable to test for the GATE program at school (brains he di not inherit fom mama) He is an exceptional young man and he makes me very proud. he is also blessed with an increadably smart mouth (that he did inherit from mama)

Keleigh the intrepid 4th grader. is also thriving altho
ugh the transition to the much more independent and fast paced 4Th grade has been a rough one. But she seems to have found the rhythm a few week in and is doing very well. She is growing into a really great young woman. She's got allot of friends and i think shes just always going to be the social butterfly of the bunch.

And that leaves us with Connor. What can i say about laid back Connor. Loving the first grade. Doing well. Learning to read more confidently every day. i even catch him reading to Ellie sometimes (really sweet since she is usually beating the t
ar out of him. If he had his way he would turn himself into a pokemon and never leave his seat in front of the computer. Next week i am going to get to start working in his class. I've been fortunate enough to be able to do this with all of the kids, i love it.

Well that's whats been going on here. Brian has been working hard. i have been sewing up a storm and have a shop set up where i am selling some of my fun little creations (ill try to add a link to the sidebar) I should be better about posting now that things are calmed down.
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